
The Jalandhar Central Cooperative Bank Ltd.

RTGS (Real Time Gross Settlement System)

What is RTGS System?

RTGS system is a payment platform where instructions between Banks are processed and settled individually and continuously through the day. It is an Electronic clearing system in which both processing and final settlement happen real time. Funds can be transferred or received to/from any branch of any bank in India which is RTGS member, within two hours. In fact payment is effected almost instantaneously. By availing the benefits of RTGS system, one can manage the funds more efficiently and effectively.

Present Clearing System v/s RTGS System

In the present clearing system, person receiving the payment has to present the instruments to his bank and his bank has to present the instruments in the local clearing or to send outstation instruments to the concerned station/place for clearance. Payment will be effected within one day for High Value Clearing and within few days for outstation instruments. Physical instruments are to be presented within specified time limit and final settlement takes place only after return clearing.
In RTGS System, person making the payment is remitting funds electronically through his Bank and there is no physical movement of instrument. Transactions are settled on a continuous basis and settlement is immediate, final and irrevocable. Beneficiary receives the credit within few hours. RTGS is a safe, secure, sound and efficient payment and settlement system, both for local as well as outstation financial transactions. It helps to manage working capital more efficiently.

Procedure for RTGS System

For payment through RTGS system, the Remitter (Customer) is required to submit the “RTGS Funds transfer application form” along with amount to be transferred to any of our branches. The Remitter shall be responsible for the accuracy of particulars given in RTGS application form. You can transferfunds to any bank branch any where in India, Also from head office to abroad, If it is participating in RTGS.

Details Required for Sending Payments through RTGS

Beneficiary (receiver, to whom you want to make payment) Details:
  • Beneficiary Name
  • Beneficiary Account Number
  • Beneficiary Bank Name
  • Beneficiary Branch Name
  • Beneficiary Bank IFSC
  • Accounts Type – Savings/Current/Cash Credit
  • Beneficiary Mobile Number

NEFT & RTGS Charges

No charges.

IMPS (Immediate Payment Service)

IMPS: The bank has started IMPS (Immediate Payment Service) to transfer funds from our Main Branch. To do so, you can visit our Main branch and request an instant fund transfer.

  1. Go to a bank branch
  2. Request an IMPS fund transfer
  3. Provide the beneficiary’s account number and IFSC code

However you may instantly receive money in account with our bank through IMPS from any bank branch within India.


Sr No.Detail of ServicesApplicable Charges (For Customers)Applicable Charges {For Bank Staff (Including Retired)}
1ATM ChargesAnnual ATM card charges ->1st year free ->2nd year – Rs.100/-Same Charges
2ATM Financial TxnATM Aquirer (Financial Txn) charges, after 5 transactions – Rs.21/- per transactionSame Charges
3ATM Non-Financial TxnATM Aquirer (Non Financial Txn) charges, after 5 transactions – Rs.7/- per transactionSame Charges
4New ATM card issue charges1st ATM card is freeSame Charges
5Duplicate ATM card issue chargesFor reissue of ATM card – Rs.200/-Same Charges
6SMS ChargesRs. 15/- per QuarterSame Charges
7RTGS/NEFT chargesNo chargesNo charges

Bank Gurantee Against Deposit Charges

Sr No.Detail of ServicesApplicable Charges (For Customers)Applicable Charges {For Bank Staff (Including Retired)}
1Bank Guarantee against depositMinimum charges Rs.500/-Up to Rs.500000- 2% p.a.Above Rs. 500000 – 1% p.a.Charges to be levied at the time of issuing of guaranteeSame Charges

Interest Certificate Charges

Sr No.Detail of ServicesApplicable Charges (For Customers)Applicable Charges {For Bank Staff (Including Retired)}
1Interest certificate/ Balance certificateFirst copy- FreeSubsequent copy- Rs.50/-per copyNo charges

Photo Attestation and Signature Verification Charges

Sr No.Detail of ServicesApplicable Charges (For Customers)Applicable Charges {For Bank Staff (Including Retired)}
1Photo attestation chargesRs.50/- for Saving AccountsRs.100/- for Current AccountsNo charges
2Signatures verification chargesRs.50/- for Saving AccountsRs.100/- for Current AccountsFree for- Students, Defence forces, War widows, Physically handicap & Signature attestation for ECS purposeNo charges

Account Closer Charges Saving/RD

Sr No.Detail of ServicesApplicable Charges (For Customers)Applicable Charges {For Bank Staff (Including Retired)}
1Account closure charges before Six MonthRs.150/- for Saving AccountsRs.500/- for Current accountsNo charges for deceased casesNo charges
2Closing of RD A/c before maturityRs.100/-On account of death of customer no charges should be levied.Same Charges
3Penalty for late payment of RD installmentPenalty charges to be levied for delayed installments in Recurring Deposit Accounts @ Rs.2/- for Rs.100 p.m. irrespective of periodicity of deposit (Minimum Rs.20/-)Same Charges

Cash Deposit in Current Account*

Sr No.Detail of ServicesApplicable Charges (For Customers)Applicable Charges {For Bank Staff (Including Retired)}
1Cash deposit in Current Account (except Govt./Coop. Institutions.)Up to Rs.1 Lakh-free, Above Rs. 1 Lakh- Denomination up to Rs.100- Rs.10 per packet. Denomination above Rs.100, Rs.8 per packet Max Rs.10000/-.No charges

Payments under CBS other than Parent Branch

Sr No.Detail of ServicesApplicable Charges (For Customers)Applicable Charges {For Bank Staff (Including Retired)}
1Payments under CBS Other than parent branchCash Payment/Deposits under CBSOther than parent branch customers.No chargesNo charges

Excess Debit Entries Charges in SB Account

Sr No.Detail of ServicesApplicable Charges (For Customers)Applicable Charges {For Bank Staff (Including Retired)}
1Charges for excess debit entries in SB AccountAfter 30 Manual Debit entries per half year, Rs.5/- per entryshould be debited by system,No charges

Saving/Current Account->Cheque Book Charges

Sr No.Detail of ServicesApplicable Charges (For Customers)Applicable Charges {For Bank Staff (Including Retired)}
1Cheque Book charges Saving Bank A/cOne cheque book containing 10 leaves free per half year Rs.2.50/- per leaf for extra cheque.One Saving Cheque book having 10 leaves is free every month for Bank staff of salary account (34005), Rs.2.50/- per leaf for extra cheque
2Cheque Book chargesCurrent A/cNo free cheque book is to be issued. Rs.3.00/- per leaf for each cheque.Same charges

Saving/Current Account->Minimum Balance Charges

Sr No.Detail of ServicesApplicable Charges (For Customers)Applicable Charges {For Bank Staff (Including Retired)}
1Maintenanceof Minimum BalanceSaving Bank DepositsThe Customer who does not maintain minimum balance of Rs.500/- and Rs.1000/- withcheque book facility in his account the service charges shall be levied atthe following rates per month:Rs.50/- per month, will be debited every month.No charges for Senior Citizens.No charges
2Maintenanceof Minimum Balance Current AccountMin. balance Rs.5000/- is to be maintained.Rs.250/- per month, will be debited every month for non-maintenance ofminimum balance.Same Charges

Account Statement and Duplicate Pass Book Charges

Sr No.Detail of ServicesApplicable Charges (For Customers)Applicable Charges {For Bank Staff (Including Retired)}
1Statement of account All types of accounts.One statement for current month and proceeding month is free.Current Account: Rs.50/- per statement for other months of current financial year.Rs.100/- per statement for proceeding financial years. Saving Account: Rs.50/- for any type of statement, except in case the statement is required for loan cases from same branch, should be generated and given after taking written request.Rs.100/- per statement for proceeding financial years.No service charges for statement under 34005 product in which salary is being credited, after taking written request.Same charges
2Duplicate Pass BookRs.50/- with one month entries, but should be issued on written request only, thereafter copy of statement is given as per charges mentioned above. No service charges for statement under 34005 product in which salary is being credited, after taking written request.Same charges

SAFE Custody and Locker Rent Charges

Sr No.Detail of ServicesApplicable Charges (For Customers)ChargesApplicable Charges {For Bank Staff (Including Retired)}
1SAFE CUSTODY CHARGESRs. 50/- per annumSame Charges
2LOCKER RENTSmall Locker900/- p.a. Lien in SB A/c Rs.5000/-Concession of 50% charges in Locker rent. All other charges will remain same.
Medium Locker2000/-p.a. Lien in SB A/c Rs.10000/-
Big Locker3500/- p.a. Lien in SB A/c Rs.15000/-
Extra Large LockerNot available
Lien amount in SB account with the consent of customer.
Note: In case of loss of key of the Lockers, actual expenditure incurred for breaking open the locker and changing the lock by manufacturers of lockers, should be recovered from the account holders. Penalty charges per Quarter or part thereof:
Small LockerRs.100/-
Extra LargeNot Appilcable
* Any default will atract penalty charges for a full quarter.
*The rent should become due w.e.f. 1st of succeeding month, in which the locker is leased out. One month may be allowed for payment if rent due.

Standing Instructions and STOP Payment Instructions

Sr No.Detail of ServicesApplicable Charges (For Customers)Applicable Charges {For Bank Staff (Including Retired)}
1STANDING INSTRUCTIONSNo charges for registration.Rs. 50/- per transaction, involving credit to account in other branch or state, remittance charges at he prescribed rate and actual postage shall be recovered additionally, charges to be levied on the account from which amount is transferred.Rs10/- for standing instruction for the transfer of amount under same customer ID within the branch from one account to another account is proposed ( for all type transaction)Same Charges
2STOP PAYMENT INSTRUCTIONAll types of accountsRs.50/- Same Charges

Issuance/Cancellation of Banker Cheque /Pay Order/DD

Sr No.Detail of ServicesApplicable Charges (For Customers)Applicable Charges {For Bank Staff (Including Retired)}
1Issuance of Banker cheque/ Pay order/DDUp to Rs.5000/- Rs.50/- Above Rs.5000/- and up to Rs 10000/- Rs.100/- Above Rs.10000/- Rs.2/- per thousand or part thereof and minimum Rs.50/- Maximum Rs.10000/- Every Staff Member is entitled for Two free drafts/ pay orders in a month
2Issuance of Duplicate Banker’s cheques/DDsRs.100/-Same Charges
3Revalidation/Cancellation Of Pay order/DDsRs.100/-Same Charges

Cheques/ECS- Outward Inward

Sr No.Detail of ServicesApplicable Charges (For Customers)Applicable Charges {For Bank Staff (Including Retired)}
1Outward Cheques/Bills returned unpaidCharges for outward Cheques/Bills Clearing Returns, outward loan Cheques return. Rs.100/- per instrument (For local Cheques/Bills), Rs.200/- per instrument (For outstation Cheques/Bills)Same Charges
2Inward Cheques/Bills return unpaidRs.50/- per instrument.Same Charges
3ECS outward and inward clearing returnRs.50/- per instrumentSame charges

Collection of Outstation Cheques/Bills

Sr No.Detail of ServicesApplicable Charges (For Customers)Applicable Charges {For Bank Staff (Including Retired)}
1Collection of Outstation Cheques Up to Rs 10000/- Rs.50/- From Rs10000/- to Rs 100000/- Rs 100 Above Rs100000/- Rs150/- Above charges are per instrument.Same charges
2Collection of BillsUp to Rs. 10000 Rs. 50/- plus Postal charges Rs. 10001 and above Rs.6/- per thousand, Min 100/- and Max. 12000/- plus postage. No collection charges to be levied for collection of local cheques/drafts. However, out of pocket expenses be recovered in full. Collection charges in cases of outstation cheques/bills should be levied on the gross amount of instrument. Further, No charges to be taken from Senior Citizens/pensioners for collection of pension up to Rs 10000/-, however postal charges are to be recovered.Same charges

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